Saturday, November 27, 2010

Marriage in High Definition

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  Our first one cooking everything, and we (yes, we) defeated the turkey (even after a few frantic phone calls to the in-laws for advice)!  We had over the college ministry for dinner, dessert, and games.  God showed up in amazing conversation and an awesome time of community.

Our conversations consisted of just how blessed we really are.  It's a warmth that sits with me that I can't ignore.  And I'm reminded of it even more so today, 2 days after Thanksgiving, because my husband, my sweet Adam, is so happy.

A little after our wedding day, we created a "wish list" that consisted of different things that we want in the near future...  and we have to save for:  new bedroom furniture, a nice vacuum, a quality set of pots and pans, a good set of knives, and a HD flat screen TV.  Our wish list has had a few things crossed off the list over the past 15 months of marriage and as of Black Friday it has a freshly inked dash across flat screen TV.

I'm the Black Friday fanatic in the family. Adam enjoyed a nice peaceful sleep alone on Thursday night.  I went out at midnight with friends for our yearly tradition of crazy lines, CRAZY people, and crazy sales and fell into bed around 6 in the morning.  Adam and I had been talking for the past couple of weeks about looking at the ads for what the flat screen sales were going to be.  And we knew that Black Friday was going to be the day to cross of flat screen tv off our list.

So I wake up, we find our TV online and in stock, and we go to the store.  And they're sold out in the 12 minute drive it took from our place to the store.  So now what?  Ask if they have any in the back?  No, they don't.  Bummed.

Our conversation turns a little heated for probably 2 reasons: 1 - I'm in my black friday, no sleep coma.  2 - I don't know what the difference between 1080p or 720p is or what the difference between 60 hz or 120 hz - and does it really matter?  (All of the males right now or nodding their heads - yes it makes a difference!)  Do we get a different tv with better stats and made by another company?  Do we pay more for the 120 hz?  Do we get the stats we want but in a 37 inch screen and not a 42 inch?  Oh, the decisions.  I leave it in Adam's hands.  Minutes later, tv on flat bed cart, we walk out of the store proud owners of a new 42 inch HD flat screen tv (120 hz, 1080p - in case you were curious).

Little did I know, this was not the end of it...  now we had to get an HD cable box AND an HD cord for the XBox (for the movies we watch on it, not the games Adam plays - of course!).  So we go to Comcast - get our new HD cable box.  Perfect.  Adam finds an HD xbox cord for dirt cheap on Craigs List and at 10:30 PM meets this guy in the Target parking lot to make the transaction.  Perfect.

And The Martins are officially in HD.

And while Adam is at work today and I can basically see the nose hairs of Alton Brown on "Iron Chef" on our new TV, it dawns on me.  A lot of the advice that Adam has received over our newlywed 15 months is..  Happy Wife = Happy Life.  All he has to do is make sure that I'm happy and to his relief (hopefully!) there will be no nagging wife, right?

But really it's Happy Wife/Happy Husband = Happy Life.  It's cyclical.  The joy I see in Adam provides a joy deep in my heart, even if it baffles me that it's over a TV.  And he probably thinks the same thoughts, when a bouquet of flowers or a unexpected shopping allowance can bring so much joy in my eyes.  The joy just wants to be shared, and out of it - it will be returned in the future.  And the cycle will just continue.

Perhaps not the most profound thoughts for the day...  but I really am looking forward to Adam coming home from work and seeing the smile on his face (yet again) when he sees the new HD flat screen TV and his wife greeting him.

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